A monthly calendar doesn’t need to hold all the details about events, but it’s a great place to put reminders so you don’t forget. I like to have room to jot down a lot of items if need be. It’s my go-to layout whenever I’m setting up a new planner. I’ve been using a two pages per month calendar for a long time now. Two Page Per Month, Undated Black and White Calendars This time around I’m sharing undated black and white calendars that have two pages per month. If there is a printable (or many printables) that you’d love to have a black and white version of, just click the link above to fill out the form and submit your request. The series will run until the requests stop coming in or I run out of printables to convert. Each week I’m sharing black and versions of existing printables.
For those just joining us here’s the run down. Welcome to the latest Choose Your Own Black and White Printables post.